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Incorporating ADL drills into training program results in greater performace gains for older adults

Incorporating ADL drills into training program results in greater...

To truly accomplish the purpose of translational training, we must match the motor pattern training... Read More

Properly timed training cycles provide motivation and maximize program adherence

Properly timed training cycles provide motivation and maximize program...

The recurrent pattern of training, translation, and reassessment increases exercise adherence because it not only... Read More

What do we mean by

What do we mean by "bending the aging curve"?

The idea behind the title of this book, and its underlying philosophy, is that you... Read More

Teaching Yoga Poses

Teaching Yoga Poses

Read about the five steps for teaching a yoga pose, correct alignment, and holding a... Read More

Teaching the Extended Side Angle and Half Moon yoga poses

Teaching the Extended Side Angle and Half Moon yoga...

The extended side angle pose engages everything—nothing is left behind, as the legs are engaged... Read More

Traditional barn dances incorporate movement and cultural education

Traditional barn dances incorporate movement and cultural education

Dudley and Jacqueline Laufman, cofiddlers and barn dancers with over 80 years of experience, have... Read More

Optimum speed gives athletes an advantage

Optimum speed gives athletes an advantage

Athletes who can move faster than their opponents have an advantage. For example, a faster... Read More

Three-Cone Drills

Three-Cone Drills

Adding a third cone allows for different combinations of movements and increases the complexity of... Read More

Quickness games develop movement skills

Quickness games develop movement skills

Games that incorporate quickness skills are a fun way to increase athletes’ motivation and enthusiasm... Read More