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Lesson helps adventure students understand Dewey's pattern of inquiry

Lesson helps adventure students understand Dewey's pattern of inquiry

The pattern of inquiry (POI), reflects John Dewey’s ideas on how people use an experience... Read More

Responsible, effective, psychological leadership essential to group welfare in outdoors

Responsible, effective, psychological leadership essential to group welfare in...

Understanding how and when to share leadership roles is an important leadership skill. Through this... Read More

Get the facts about weight-gain powders

Get the facts about weight-gain powders

You’ve seen them: huge cans brightly labeled with alluring product descriptions such as “weight gainer,”... Read More

Keys to secure a smooth baton handoff

Keys to secure a smooth baton handoff

Nonvisual exchanges are used for shorter events that are run at full speed. Read More

Standing Long Jump Technique

Standing Long Jump Technique

When an athlete is preparing to execute the standing long jump, the athlete’s feet must... Read More

Five health messages promote lifelong good health for kids

Five health messages promote lifelong good health for kids

Putting these five health messages into practice can help everyone, children and adults, improve their... Read More

Coaching philosophy key to success

Coaching philosophy key to success

Your coaching philosophy should not be developed overnight. You should gather different views of coaching... Read More

The Infield Loop Drill

The Infield Loop Drill

Use this drill to practice fielding an assortment of ground balls (requiring different footwork positions)... Read More

What is functional testing?

What is functional testing?

What is function testing and why is it important? Read More