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Planning and Implementing an Effective Health Education Curriculum

Planning and Implementing an Effective Health Education Curriculum

To ensure that your students develop the skills and knowledge needed to lead healthy lives,... Read More

Using constant error and variable error

Using constant error and variable error

An additional aspect of error scores is important from the point of view not only... Read More

Visual proprioception

Visual proprioception

Figure 5.4 illustrates one of James Gibson’s concepts about how changes in head position contribute... Read More

Fundamental distinctions and definitions in motor learning

Fundamental distinctions and definitions in motor learning

You may have the impression that motor learning and motor memory are two different aspects... Read More

How to become an advocate for the athletic training profession

How to become an advocate for the athletic training...

One of the best ways that athletic trainers can serve the profession is to become... Read More

Practicing ethically as an athletic trainer

Practicing ethically as an athletic trainer

The following recommendations are intended to serve as a functional guide to ethical practice in... Read More

Work-life balance for athletic trainers

Work-life balance for athletic trainers

Work - life balance is a theory that focuses on blending and prioritizing a person’s... Read More

Importance of organizational behavior in sport

Importance of organizational behavior in sport

Business is conducted by people, for people, and through people. Even today, when technology plays... Read More

Increased diversity brings change to sport organizations

Increased diversity brings change to sport organizations

One of the most amazing things about working in sport is that it is universal... Read More