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Single Stroke Breathing and Continuous Breathing

Single Stroke Breathing and Continuous Breathing

As land-based creatures, we cannot process oxygen out of water as fish do; therefore, we... Read More

Track Start

Track Start

Set: 1. Stand at the front edge of the block with one foot forward and... Read More

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Seated on a bench, hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, palms facing... Read More

Dumbbell Row

Dumbbell Row

Grasp a dumbbell in one hand with your palm facing in. Rest the opposite hand... Read More

Leg Curl

Leg Curl

Facing the machine, hook one heel under the roller pad and support your weight with... Read More

Piaget's cognitive schemas describe the development of cognition

Piaget's cognitive schemas describe the development of cognition

According to Jean Piaget, knowledge is acquired through the progression of four distinct stages. Read More

Infants must develop skills to sit upright

Infants must develop skills to sit upright

An important milestone in the motor development of an infant is the ability to sit... Read More

Learn 3 of the 5 activity categories that comprise the inclusion spectrum

Learn 3 of the 5 activity categories that comprise...

Open activities are those that require little or no modifications to include all students, modified... Read More

General recommendations and strategies to better communicate

General recommendations and strategies to better communicate

Many students with ASD have trouble understanding spoken language. Read More