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Active at Home

  • Medicine ball exercises for mobility

    Medicine ball exercises for mobility

    Mobility exercises with fitness equipment can provide more leverage to take a limb through a greater ROM while also increasing muscle fiber activation to help improve muscle contraction patterns. The...

  • Runners' Hot Spots yoga workout

    Runners' Hot Spots yoga workout

    This yoga workout is designed specifically to help runners eliminate chronic aches and pains, and keep running stronger and longer. Learn more in Yoga for Runners, Second Edition.

  • Relaxing yoga sequence: 30 minutes

    Relaxing yoga sequence: 30 minutes

    This relaxing sequence only takes about 30 minutes of your time, but you can spend longer in poses if you choose, or repeat exercises if desired. Learn more in Big and...

  • Fusion Sun Salutation

    Fusion Sun Salutation

    The fusion sun salutation is based on the traditional yoga sun salutation, with additional movements and modifications to allow you to choose the version that’s best for you. The sun...

  • Beginner Stretching Routine

    Beginner Stretching Routine

    Use Stretching Anatomy, Third Edition, to develop a regular stretching routine that will help you move and feel better. Follow this Beginner Level Stretching Routine to get you on the...

  • Yin yoga sequence: Short and sweet

    Yin yoga sequence: Short and sweet

    Yin yoga is a passive approach in which poses are held for a few minutes to target the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. Give this short...

  • Shoulder mobility solution

    Shoulder mobility solution

    Perform one to three sets of each of the following exercises in order on the same shoulder. Do not stop between exercises. When they are completed, go through the series...

  • 5 yoga tips to relieve stress

    5 yoga tips to relieve stress

    Enjoy a quick time-tested practice to relieve stress, tension, and anxiety with Nancy Gerstein, author of Motivational Yoga: 100 Lessons for Strength, Energy, and Transformation. With each lesson, Motivational Yoga...