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Careful planning needed when designing, conducting adventure activities

Careful planning needed when designing, conducting adventure activities

For learning to happen through adventure, activities must be intentional. It is critical that activities... Read More

Gravity adds resistance to free weight exercises

Gravity adds resistance to free weight exercises

Free weights (dumbbells and barbells) add resistance to exercises, thus stimulating your muscles to gain... Read More

Learn about Junkyard Sports

Learn about Junkyard Sports

Junkyard Sports is one of many unique and very fun games books published by Human... Read More

Introducing Junkyard Sports

Introducing Junkyard Sports

Junkyard sports are “real” sports and games played with the “wrong” equipment. Because the sports... Read More

Sports for the fun of it

Sports for the fun of it

One of the most radical of the implications of junkyard sports is the notion that... Read More

Creating a Junkyard Sport

Creating a Junkyard Sport

Every junkyard sport has four elements: People Place Junk Games The more diverse the participants... Read More

Finding Inspiration

Finding Inspiration

One of the key inspirations for the development of a junkyard sport is playing in... Read More

Ease children into rhythmic activities and dance with an icebreaker activity

Ease children into rhythmic activities and dance with an...

Children need to know how to be social before they can dance together. Socialization comes... Read More

Large group activities for teaching rhythmic activities and dance

Large group activities for teaching rhythmic activities and dance

Dance skills can be enhanced when students do not recognize that they are working on... Read More