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Training for an 8K or 10K race

This is an excerpt from Faster Road Racing by Pete Pfitzinger & Philip Latter.

Training Schedules for 8K and 10K Races

Three training schedules are provided to prepare you to race your best at 8K or 10K. Each training schedule is twelve weeks in duration. Simply select the schedule that starts closest to your current training mileage.

Training for Races of 8K to 10K: 30 to 42 Miles per Week

This schedule is for runners who have been training 25 to 35 miles per week. If you have been running fewer than 25 miles per week, you should follow the base-training schedule in chapter 8 for building up to 30 miles per week before attempting this schedule. The schedule starts at 30 miles per week and gradually builds up to 42 miles with three weeks to go before your goal race. The training then tapers so you are fit and refreshed for race day.

Training for Races of 8K to 10K: 45 to 57 Miles per Week

This schedule is for runners who have been training 40 to 50 miles per week. If you have been running fewer than 40 miles per week, follow the base-training schedule in chapter 8 for building up to 45 miles per week before attempting this schedule. This schedule starts at 45 miles per week and gradually builds up to 57 miles with three weeks to go before your goal race. The training then tapers so you are fit and refreshed for race day.

Training for Races of 8K to 10K: 60 to 76 Miles per Week

This schedule is for runners who have been training 55 to 65 miles per week. If you have been running fewer than 55 miles per week, follow the base-training schedule in chapter 8 for building up to 60 miles per week before attempting this schedule. This schedule starts at 60 miles per week and gradually builds up to 76 miles with three weeks to go before your goal race. The training then tapers so you are fit and refreshed for race day.

Learn more about Faster Road Racing.

More Excerpts From Faster Road Racing