Examples of grade-span indicators for each standard
This is an excerpt from Introduction to Teaching Physical Education 3rd Edition With HKPropel Access by Jane M. Shimon.
National Physical Education Standards
In 2024, SHAPE America revised the pre-K to 12 physical education standards from five to four standards that center on the well-being of the whole person and their physical literacy journey (National Standards and Grade-Span Learning Indicators for PreK-12 Physical Education). The four national standards include the following:
Standard 1: Develops a variety of motor skills
Standard 2: Applies knowledge and related movement and fitness concepts
Standard 3: Develops social skills through movement
Standard 4: Develops personal skills, identifies personal benefits of movement, and chooses to engage in physical activity
Each standard is broken down into separate grade-span learning indicators for elementary (pre-K to 2 and 3-5), middle school (6-8), and high school (9-12). Learning indicators for each standard connect to content-specific categories. For example, locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills, along with dance and rhythms and aquatics, are addressed at the pre-K to 2 level. Content categories expand to include various groupings of games (game forms), fitness, aquatics, and lifetime activities for higher grade levels. Nutrition-related content spans all grade levels as part of the learning indicators. Further content-specific descriptions for standard 1 can be found in chapter 7.
When referring to the national PE standards, the three-part numbering system reflects (a) the standard, (b) the ending grade of a grade span, and (c) a specific learning indicator. Table 2.1 contains examples of complete listings for specific learning indicators for various PE standards and grade spans.
The SHAPE America 2024 National Standards and Grade-Span Learning Indicators for PreK-12 Physical Education also affords examples of skills progressions and a variety of unit ideas, skill applications, curriculum mapping, and essential questions physical educators can use to meet standards and learning indicators. Ultimately, the national standards provide guidelines for educators, school districts, and individual states to use when developing or revising their own physical education standards.

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