Climbers and Sliders
This is an excerpt from Everybody Move! - 2nd Edition by CIRA Ontario.
To be the first to land or go past 100 and sing the chorus of “We Are the Champions”
Any number
- One Climbers and Sliders board per group (printed out from the DVD-ROM and laminated on a poster board) and one die and one marker per board; for kindergarten and grade primary players, use the Climbers and Sliders Activity Board for Primary Players if they cannot read well enough yet to read the instructions on the One Hundred Activities Chart for Primary Players
- 100 Activities Chart (use the 100 Activities Chart for Primary Players as necessary)
- Have players imagine when equipment is suggested (or provide it: skipping ropes, basketballs, hula hoops, and so on)
Assign players to groups, and give each group a board, die, and marker.
- Groups start with their markers off the board.
- One player throws the die and moves the marker forward the required number of spaces—if the marker lands on a stairs, the marker moves to the top of the stairs; if it lands on a slide, the marker moves to the bottom of the slide.
- Wherever the marker ends, the group completes the activity for that spot and then throws and moves again.
Note: Some of these activities can be found in the Funky Moves descriptions starting on page 122.
- Individual Climbers and Sliders: Several students each play their own game on the board. Players decide who will go first. Player 1 rolls the die, moves her marker to the designated space on the game board, then proceeds to do the activity that corresponds with the number (e.g., space 14—crab-walk the perimeter of the room). While player 1 is doing her activity, player 2 rolls the die and proceeds to do the corresponding activity for his roll.
- A second game board includes pictures of animals on top of each column. For younger children, instruct them to move around the room or gym like the animal pictured at the top of the column on which they landed.
- Make sure players are using the proper techniques while completing the tasks.
- Have players complete a full-body stretch to cool down after the activity.
Classroom Triathlon
For players to complete a triathlon
Any number
Chairs to sit on (optional)
Players are in a scattered formation around the room sitting in their chairs.
- The leader calls out different events while players do actions.
- Swimming: Do large arm strokes such as front crawl, butterfly, and breaststroke.
- Cycling: Lean back in chair with legs in air, and pedal with legs.
- Running: Move legs in air as if running a race.
Have players design their own fun and wacky triathlons to include such activities as dancing, climbing, crawling, skiing, skating, or scuba diving.
Remind players to make sure all four legs of the chair are on the ground at all times.
This is an excerpt from Everybody Move, Second Edition.
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