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Everybody Move! - 2nd Edition

A Multimedia Package for Daily Physical Activity

Author: CIRA Ontario

$43.48 CAD $86.95 CAD

Paper w/multi bind in
$43.48 CAD

ISBN: 9780736082310


Page Count: 256

We all know that students are more sedentary than ever—their idea of moving might involve going from the couch to the refrigerator and back. Part of the reason students aren’t active enough is that they don’t see activity as fun.

With this new edition of Everybody Move!: A Multimedia Package for Daily Physical Activity, they’ll have loads of fun being active. This resource is packed with teacher-tested ideas that will help you increase activity in limited space such as hallways, classrooms, and utility rooms (or in the expanse of the great outdoors) and get your students active with limited equipment.

Everybody Move! includes the following features:

• A teacher guide featuring 54 fun fitness activities, 32 moving-to-music activities, 14 choreographed line dances, tips on training leaders, and 9 keys to implementing a daily physical activity program

• A CD with 80 minutes of music for use with fitness station activities, aerobics, and 3- to 10-minute dance routines

• A DVD-ROM with over 90 minutes of video showing 14 dance routines with selected moves and breakdowns of routines

In addition, the DVD-ROM offers more than 230 reproducible activity cards in PDF format, which you can print and use in your classroom. On the DVD-ROM, you’ll also find demonstrations of over 100 funky moves that you can put to any music to create your own activity routine, breakdowns of dance moves, and complete dances that you can follow. A teacher quickly demonstrates the key dance steps, allowing students to choreograph each dance and assume leadership roles.

Research has proven that short activity breaks can improve academic performance. The ideas in Everybody Move!Second Edition can be used as fitness breaks taken throughout the day. You don’t have to be a movement or dance expert to use this turnkey resource—it’s designed to help you begin a program of daily physical activity breaks, regardless of your experience, existing space, or available equipment.

Everybody Move! Second Editionis a comprehensive multimedia resource package filled with great ideas for getting groups moving and having fun. Through it, you can promote daily physical activity and make a positive difference in the lives of your students. This is one resource that lives up to its name: It will help everybody move!


A reference for elementary and middle school physical education, music, dance, and adapted physical education teachers. Also a reference for parents, recreation leaders, and home-schooling families.

Activity Finder

How to Use This Book, DVD-ROM, and Music CD


PartI. Get Ready!—Setting Up a Daily Physical Activity Program

Chapter 1. Why Should Everybody Move?

Chapter 2. Developing a Daily Physical Activity Program

Part II. Get Moving!—Fun Fitness Activities

Chapter 3. Fun Fitness Activities in the Classroom

Chapter 4. Activities for Spaces In andAround the Building

Chapter 5. Outdoor Activities

Chapter 6. Themed Activities

Part III. Get Moving to Music!—Funky Moves and Group Routines

Chapter 7. Move It to the Beat—Actions for Music

Chapter 8. Ready-to-Use Routines—Dances and Routines on the DVD-ROM

Chapter 9. Routines for Accessible Music

Part IV. Get Everybody on Board!—Gaining Program Support and Assessing Your Program

Chapter 10. Supporting Your DPA Program

Chapter 11. Assessing Your DPA Program

Appendix A: Glossary of Fitness Activities

Appendix B: Sample Newsletter

Appendix C: Success Stories

References and Resources

About CIRA Ontario

About the Contributors

DVD-ROM User Instructions

DVD and CD Contents

About the Organization

CIRA Ontario is a nonprofit organization that encourages, promotes, and develops active living, healthy lifestyles, and personal growth through various programs in educational and recreational settings. The organization began as the Ontario Intramural Recreation Association in 1969 and became the Canadian Intramural Recreation Association of Ontario. The first edition of Everybody Move! was produced in 2005 and translated into French in 2007. The organization has had numerous other resources published to promote healthy and active living.

Writing team included: John Byl, Marie Burland, Mary Dyck, Michelle Hearn, Kristin Schwass, Milena Trojanovic

Climbers and Sliders
Fall and winter games to warm up on a cold day
Developing A Daily Physical Activity Program
 Everybody Move Audio Clip #1  Everybody Move Audio Clip #2 thumbnail