Weightlifting exercises and their derivatives: appropriate application across mesocycles
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This session explored the use of the weightlifting exercises and their derivatives across mesocycles (strength endurance, strength-speed and speed-strength (power)) to enhance the force-velocity profile of athletes and therefore athletic performance. Paul initially discussed the performance benefits of weightlifting exercises and their derivatives, providing an overview of the research regarding comparisons between the derivatives, exploring how both the exercise and load can be manipulated to train the desired area(s) across mesocycles. Paul also discussed the practical applications of these findings for a variety of athletic populations.
By the end of this session learners are be able to:
- Discuss the use of weightlifting exercises and their derivatives in athletic development
- Discuss the effects of both exercise variation and load on the force-velocity characteristics of these exercises
- Apply the findings from recent research, regarding weightlifting derivatives, to the planning of specific mesocycles
Dr Paul Comfort is the programme leader of the MSc Strength and Conditioning at the University of Salford. He has a wealth of applied experience and is currently consulting with numerous professional and semi-professional sports teams. Paul is a founder member and accredited member of the UKSCA, where he is also an editorial board member for Professional Strength and Conditioning and joint editor of its ‘Professional Insights’ column. He is a senior associate editor for the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, and has published around 100 peer-reviewed journal articles along with numerous book chapters.

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