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Youth Compendium of Physical Activities: An Investigation

Youth Compendium of Physical Activities: An Investigation

Join Dr. Stephen Herrmann and Dr. Karin Pfeiffer to learn more about the history of... Read More

Women, Sport, & Equality in the 21st Century: An Ongoing Conversation

Women, Sport, & Equality in the 21st Century: An...

Ellen Staurowsky discusses gender equality in sport. Read More

Understanding the new NSCA CPSS Certification

Understanding the new NSCA CPSS Certification

The NSCA’s Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, offers this webinar to share... Read More

Treatment of Running Injuries Using Gait Analysis

Treatment of Running Injuries Using Gait Analysis

Dr. Reed Ferber, internationally recognized as an expert in running biomechanics and running injuries, provides... Read More

The Playing Attitude: Why we can't think technically if we want to perform at our best

The Playing Attitude: Why we can't think technically if...

Playing with attitude for sporting success. Read More

The Physiology of Obesity

The Physiology of Obesity

This webinar presents information on metabolic syndrome, the lactate threshold exercise prescription for optimal weight... Read More

The importance of well-developed physical qualities for rugby players

The importance of well-developed physical qualities for rugby players

The aim of this webinar was to explore the literature regarding the influence physical qualities... Read More

Terms and nomenclature to describe exercise

Terms and nomenclature to describe exercise

The correct academic terms to use when describing exercise Read More

Quantifying Bivariate Plots in Sports Biomechanics

Quantifying Bivariate Plots in Sports Biomechanics

This webinar explored different approaches to analysing data in bivariate plots, including using RMSD, vector... Read More