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The Physiology of Obesity

Len Kravitz, PhD ©2007
You must log in to watch this webinar recording.

In The Physiology of Obesity you'll learn the role of leptin, adiponectin, and the gut hormones in regulating body fat. You'll also discover effects of cellular inflammation, insulin sensitivity, and appetite suppression on distribution of body fat. Dr. Kravitz presents the most current information on metabolic syndrome, the lactate threshold exercise prescription for optimal weight loss, and guidelines for weight management program using the most successful behavioral and cognitive strategies.

Webinar Objectives

  • Define obesity using BMI
  • Outline factors related to increased global obesity
  • Discuss leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin, and inflammatory proteins and their relationships to fat and energy balance
  • Define metabolic syndrome
  • Discuss behavioral and cognitive strategies for weight loss and management.
  • Explain lactate threshold training
  • Outline the lactate threshold exercise prescription for optimal weight loss
  • Identify the best method of monitoring exercise intensity using lactate threshold training

"This is a great review on some of the statistics as well as new information on the role hormones play in obesity. I will use the lactate threshold information with my clients; it was great. Thanks for the reminder about how important spontaneous activity is!"

T. Clark—Phoenix, AZ

"I have a better understanding of the physiological processes involved in obesity and how they can affect clients’ goals. This is timely information on a growing problem that fitness trainers can address."

S. Larsen Daigle, PhD—Mandeville, LA

"I gained a better understanding of the functions of the various gut hormones and how to design a lactate threshold training system. I will look further into using RPE with my clients and continue to emphasize cardiovascular training with those clients who wish to lose weight."

D. Ratajack—North Plainfield, NJ

"This online course gave me motivation to further explore the research on lactate threshold. It was also very interesting to hear that RPE appears to be the best guide to training intensity."

D. Sare—Cobble Hill, BC, Canada

"I can use this information to help my clients who have difficulty with weight loss and motivation. This is a great course and it is very thorough! There is a lot of valuable information!"

J. O’Ferrell—Oakland, NJ