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You might be fit now but you'll be fat by forty: the inevitability of human sloth

Jonathan Doust, FBASES©2013
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The incidence of overweight and lack of exercise continues to rise despite definitive evidence about the benefits of exercise and numerous attempts to alter human behaviour and the “Olympic legacy”.  This webinar covered the paradox of rising obesity in the face of reducing national calorie intake and the growth of the leisure business, contextualised energy intake and expenditure, considered data from the Olympic metanalysis and Active People projects, provided some examples of behavioural change interventions, and concluded with a provocative interpretation for the future direction of exercise science policy and research.


Learning Outcomes of the Webinar:

-Articulate the context of energy balance

-Describe the evidence base of historical trends from the Active People and Olympic metanalysis projects

-Identify example exercise interventions and critically appraise their impact

-Debate the contention that humans will never be active enough

-Consider how research and policy approaches might be altered to achieve greater impact



Presenter Profile:

Professor Doust is an exercise physiologist with an interest in how the understanding of athletic performance can be translated to the general population to increase habitual activity levels. His research has included investigation of population-level exercise interventions as well as laboratory-bases investigations of high performance physiology. He is a former Chair of BASES and currently a member of the Board of the English Institute of Sport. He has been lecturing for 30 years and is Head of the School of Sport and Service Management at the University of Brighton. 


Professor Doust is a member of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES). BASES is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK.