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Pre-Season: Establishing a Purpose and Culture

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The pre-season is a time to envision and build team culture. During this phase, successful coaches review the core values and coaching philosophy that will guide their work, and together with their athletes set realistic but challenging goals. The pre-season is also when successful coaches invest heavily in team building activities to promote team trust and quality coach-athlete relationships. This webinar includes coaching strategies to ensure coaches and their athletes start their season with a strong foundation.


Webinar takeaways

  • Identifying core values that are meaningful for coaches and athletes alike
  • Establishing team behavioral standards
  • Creating a shared vision and performance targets
  • Building trust and preparing to lead

Dr. Wade Gilbert is an award-winning professor in the Department of Kinesiology at California State University, Fresno. Prior to Fresno State he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Sport Psychology and Talent Development at UCLA. As Human Kinetics Coach Education advisor, "The Coach Doc" writes articles and conducts webinars on a variety of coaching issues. Gilbert is also editor-in-chief of the International Sport Coaching Journal.

He holds degrees in Physical Education, Human Kinetics, and Education from the University of Ottawa in Canada. Gilbert has more than 20 years of experience conducting applied research and consulting with coaches of youth, high school, college, national and Olympic teams around the world. He is widely published and is frequently invited to serve as a featured speaker at national and international events.

Wade is author of the book Coaching Better Every Season, published by Human Kinetics.

A coach’s job doesn’t end with the last game of the season. Building and sustaining a successful sport program requires purposeful, year-round commitment to excellence. In his groundbreaking book, Coaching Better Every Season: A Year-Round System for Athlete Development and Program Success, Dr. Wade Gilbert presents proven coaching methods and practices for each season on the sport calendar - pre-season, in-season, post-season, and off-season - and offers specific actions, tools, and guidelines for coaches to develop a cycle of continuous improvement for their athletes, their teams, and themselves.

In this Coaching Better Every Season Webinar Series, Gilbert will conduct four half-hour sessions providing insights on the strategies and tools for implementing methods used by successful coaches in one of the four seasons of the annual coaching cycle.