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Pilates for Men: Bringing Back the Balance

Rael Isacowitz, MA ©2014
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The functional fitness provided by Pilates is as important for men as it is for women. This is especially true of male athletes, whose workouts are often geared towards specific muscular development rather than integrated fitness. In this free hour-long webinar, Rael Isacowitz, Founder of BASI Pilates and author of Pilates and Pilates Anatomy, discusses why Pilates training—with its emphasis on functional strength and flexibility, core control, balance, uniform development and efficient movement—is an ideal foundation for cross-training as well as general fitness, regardless of gender. This webinar highlights the typical needs of men, offering repertoire and cueing appropriate for men, as well as modifications that are most effective with male clients. After attending this webinar, fitness professionals will better understand the athletic benefits of Pilates and why Joseph Pilates originally created his method for men.

Rael Isacowitz, MA, BASI Pilates Founder, is a world-renowned practitioner and teacher of Pilates. With over three decades of Pilates practice and achievement, he is a prominent lecturer and teacher at symposia, universities, colleges, and studios around the globe. He received his bachelor of education degree and teaching credentials from Israel’s prestigious Wingate Institute, where he subsequently joined the teaching faculty. He later earned a master of arts degree in dance from the University of Surrey, England.


Rael’s early Pilates teachers included Alan Herdman and thereafter several of the first-generation Pilates teachers (known as the Elders), including Kathy Grant, Ron Fletcher, Romana Kryzanowska, Eve Gentry, and Lolita San Miguel.

Rael has mastered all levels of the Pilates repertoire and is noted in the industry for his unique athleticism; synthesis of body, mind, and spirit; and passion for teaching. In 1989 he founded Body Arts and Science International (BASI) Pilates, which has developed into one of the foremost Pilates education organizations in the world. BASI Pilates is currently taught in more than 100 locations spanning 30 countries.

Rael’s first edition of Pilates (Human Kinetics, 2006) and his Pilates Anatomy (coauthored with Karen Clippinger, Human Kinetics, 2011) have received worldwide acclaim and been translated into multiple languages. He has published a series of movement analysis workbooks on all the Pilates apparatus, produced DVDs, designed the revolutionary Avalon System line of contemporary equipment, and created the groundbreaking Pilates Interactive software. He is a regular contributor to several industry publications. Creativity, passion, and energy suffuse his work. Teaching Pilates is, for Rael, the ultimate gift.