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Modify the squat, bench, and deadlift for your body type

Lee Boyce and Melody Schoenfeld ©2022
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The squat, bench, and deadlift are the three main lifts in weightlifting. But do you struggle with these moves because of your body type? In this webinar, Lee Boyce and Melody Schoenfeld, authors of Strength Training for All Body Types, will discuss how to modify the big three moves depending on your body type and provide examples of how to the pattern can be modified to fit your needs. They will discuss:

  • How to modify the squat pattern for those with a short torso and long femurs
  • How to modify the bench press for those with long arms
  • How to modify the deadlift for those with long legs and short arms

Every person’s body is different. Short, tall, or big all over, training should be designed to accommodate an athlete’s different joint angles, bone lengths, and overall body structure. In Strength Training for All Body Types: The Science of Lifting and Levers, Lee Boyce and Melody Schoenfeld have teamed up to create a unique resource that explains how different bodies manage various exercises and how to best take advantage of physical attributes to optimize those movements.