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Foundations of Facilitated Stretching

Robert McAtee, LMT, CSCS, C-PT ©2015
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For accomplished athletes or those just beginning a fitness program, the regular use of facilitated stretching can help improve flexibility and coordination and boost performance and enjoyment of sports. In this free hour-long webinar, Bob McAtee, LMT, CSCS, C-PT, author of Facilitated Stretching explains and demonstrates the foundational aspects of facilitated stretching and how manual and massage therapists, athletic trainers, personal trainers, coaches, and other health care professionals can use these techniques to help assess current muscle function, improve range of motion, increase strength, and enhance performance in their athletes and clients. Examples of each of the components of facilitated stretching will be shown, including single plane stretches, spiral diagonal movement patterns and stretches, and tri-planar strengthening exercises.

To learn more about this topic and earn continuing education credits, purchase the Facilitated Stretching CE Course.

Robert McAtee, LMT, CSCS, C-PT, has been a massage therapist since 1981, specializing in sport massage and soft-tissue therapy. Since 1988 he has maintained an active international sport massage practice in Colorado Springs, Colorado. McAtee is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and a certified personal trainer and has been using facilitated stretching techniques with clients and athletes since 1986. He regularly presents workshops throughout the U.S. and internationally on facilitated stretching, sport massage, and soft-tissue injury care.