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Wall squats strengthen quads, glutes, and hamstrings

This is an excerpt from Strength Training Past 50-3rd Edition by Wayne Westcott & Thomas R. Baechle.

Leg Exercise

Wall Squat: Exercise Ball With Dumbbells

Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals

Beginning Position

  1. Grasp dumbbells with elbows extended and stand erect with feet about hip-width apart and parallel to each other.
  2. Position dumbbells with palms facing outside surfaces of thighs and elbows straight.
  3. Place exercise ball between back and wall with feet far enough from wall so that knees are directly over the feet in down position.

Downward Movement Phase

  1. Keep head up, eyes fixed straight ahead, shoulders back, torso erect, and weight on entire foot throughout exercise.
  2. Squat slowly until thighs are parallel to floor, rolling ball between the back and wall as you descend.
  3. Inhale throughout downward movement.

Upward Movement Phase

  1. Begin upward movement by slowly straightening knees and hips, rolling ball between the back and wall as you ascend.
  2. Exhale throughout upward movement phase.


Learn more about Strength Training Past 50, Third Edition.

More Excerpts From Strength Training Past 50-3rd Edition