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Summary of Sleep and Recovery Guidelines for Esports Players

This is an excerpt from Conditioning for Esports by Taylor Johnson,Joanne DiFrancisco-Donoghue & Jerry Balentine.

By Gordon Schmidt

  • Diurnal rhythms with established routines promote proper rest, recovery, and sleep.
  • Wake after sleep normally takes about 30 to 60 minutes to feel fully refreshed.
  • A variety of sleep-assessment inventories and scientific measuring instruments can be used to identify sleep quality.
  • Rest and recovery from exercise rely on renourishment of the depleted energy resources used in that specific activity.
  • Game and competition travel need to consider different cultures, food selections, bed comfort, and environmental conditions, including dry air and cramped airplane trips.
  • Sleep interventions follow traditional cognitive behavior therapy processes that include education and time management counseling.
  • Various strategies are needed to address cognitive interventions, travel, motivation, and sleep tracking.
More Excerpts From Conditioning for Esports