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Plyometric Bounds and Skips

This is an excerpt from High-Powered Plyometrics-3rd Edition by James C. Radcliffe.


Box Skip

This drill requires two to four boxes 8 to 24 inches (20 to 60 cm) high. Place the boxes in any order of height about 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3 m) apart. Facing the first box from about two steps away, assume an upright stance with one leg slightly behind the other. Drive off the back leg, and attempt to gain as much height with the hips as possible. Block with the arms, and drive the knee upward to assist in the explosive extension of the push-off leg (see figures a and b). Immediately upon landing on a box, drive the other leg forward and up to gain maximal height and distance (see figures c-e). Use momentum from this action to leap onto the ground between the first and second boxes with the same leg as the one that landed on the first box; then step to the next box (i.e., skip). Continue this skip-action sequence over the remaining boxes.

Box skip Aggressive push off and knee drive Maximal liftoff and hang time


Box Bound

This is an advanced shock-method drill, which is why it appears last in the jumping continuum of exercises. Use two to four boxes 8 to 24 inches (20 to 60 cm) high, as in the box skip drill, placing more resistive landing overloads. Begin by pushing off with the back leg and driving the knee forward and up to gain as much height and distance as possible before landing (see figures a and b). Repeat the sequence (driving with the other leg) upon landing, as in the alternate-leg bound, except that you take every other step from a box (see figures c-e). Eliminate landing positions that foster overstriding or pulling the hips over and off the box.

Box bound Upright landing Foot placement with shin over shoelaces Immediate forward hip projection

More Excerpts From High-Powered Plyometrics-3rd Edition