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Mountain climbing and cycling not just for the land

This is an excerpt from Fantastic Water Workouts - 2nd Edition by MaryBeth Pappas Baun.

Spice up your workout by trying these two land-based exercises in the water.

Floating Mountain Climb

Equipment: Use flotation belt, noodle, water exercise vest, or cuffs.

Starting Position: Move to water deep enough to bring your feet off the pool bottom. Bring your feet down so that your legs point straight downward.


1. Bring your right knee forward and up. Extend your leg way out in front of you as if you were hiking up a steep incline. At the same time, press all the way back with your left leg. Simultaneously pump your arms, with your hands palms first against the water, in opposition to the movement of your legs.

2. Switch legs and repeat, alternating legs, and arms, while crossing the pool.

3. Work up to 16 repetitions.

Safety Tip: Maintain firmly contracted abdominal and buttocks muscles and somewhat vertical torso position to protect your lower back.

Bicycle Pump

Equipment: Use flotation belt, water exercise vest, noodle, or cuffs.

Starting Position: Move to water deep enough to bring your feet off the pool bottom. Bring your feet down so that your legs point straight downward. Position the body upright and vertical.


1. Contract your abdominal and buttocks muscles.

2. Draw one knee toward your chest, keeping your back flat and straight, while you extend the other leg toward the pool bottom.

3. Switch legs.

4. Repeat the sequence briskly 16 times.

Variation: To increase intensity, increase resistance of the surface area by flexing your foot, rather than pointing your toes, so that your ankle forms a right angle.

This is an excerpt from Fantastic Water Workouts, Second Edition.

More Excerpts From Fantastic Water Workouts 2nd Edition