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How should I fuel for endurance events?

This is an excerpt from Practical Fueling for Endurance Athletes by Kylee Van Horn.

Experiment with different types of fuels to have with you during your workout or race. For longer endurance events, is important to have variety so you don’t experience palate fatigue.

  • Sports gels: Conveniently packaged and easy to carry, these carbohydrate sources allow endurance athletes to fuel themselves quickly while training and racing. Sports gels are usually absorbed quickly and prevent blood sugar from dropping too much. Pay attention to the sugar types used in different gels, and be careful with additives such as vitamins, minerals, and caffeine to avoid gastrointestinal distress.
  • Energy chews: Similar to sports gels but reminiscent of gummy candy, chews are specifically designed to be convenient blocks of chewable energy. They are perfect for the athlete who doesn’t like the texture of gels or wants something solid to chew on for energy intake.
  • Hydration mixes: For the endurance athlete who wants to drink their calories, these mixes are specially formulated as a vehicle for calories, carbohydrates, and electrolytes. They are perfect for the endurance athlete who can’t seem to eat gels, chews, or solid foods as much during training and racing.
  • Whole-food sources: Exactly as described, whole-food options are foods that endurance athletes can use during exercise to fuel their activities. These are a good choice for distances longer than a marathon and allow athletes to mix up their fuel sources, so they don’t end up with stomach distress. As a reminder, blood is diverted away from the gut during exercise, so the higher your intensity, the less you will digest. Use caution when eating whole foods during high-intensity exercise. See table 9.1 for whole-food options.

Potatoes provide a high amount of carbohydrates per portion.
Potatoes provide a high amount of carbohydrates per portion.

Table 9.1 Whole-Food Options for Fueling

More Excerpts From Practical Fueling for Endurance Athletes