Medicine Ball Single-Arm Push-Off
This is an excerpt from Functional Training by Juan Carlos Santana.
Details and Benefits
- Intermediate to advanced push-up progression of the bodyweight push-up, plank, and single-arm eccentrics; great lead-in to any single-arm plank or push-up variation
- Develops pushing power and the diagonal anterior core musculature used by combative athletes and football players
Starting Position
- Stabilize the body in a plank position with the right hand on the floor and the arm extended. The left hand is on top of a medicine ball with the arm flexed (figure 5.7a).
- Make sure your shoulders are parallel to the ground at all times.
- Flex the elbows to perform a push-up on the right side of the ball, keeping the core tight, the body straight, and the shoulders parallel to the ground at all times (figure 5.7b).
- Once the left elbow has flexed to 90 degrees, push up until the extended right arm lifts off the ground and the left arm performs a lock-out on the ball in the three-point position (figure 5.7c).
- Lower your body using only the left hand until the right arm touches the ground and proceed to lower into the two-arm push-up.
- Repeat the single-arm push-off on the left arm for desired repetitions.
- Perform on both arms.
MB single-arm push-off: (a) starting position; (b) lower body to ground; (c) push up until right arm is off the ground and left arm is locked out.
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