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Medicine ball BLOB throw (between legs, over back)

This is an excerpt from Strength Training for Baseball by NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association,A. Eugene Coleman & David J. Szymanski.

By Jay Dawes

Primary Muscles Trained

Gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, soleus, gastrocnemius, posterior deltoid, anterior deltoid, erector spinae

Figure 5.5 Medicine ball BLOB (Between Legs Over Back) throw: (a) lift the medicine ball overhead; (b) lower medicine ball and squat; (c) jump and throw medicine ball backward.
Figure 5.5 Medicine ball BLOB (Between Legs Over Back) throw: (a) lift the medicine ball overhead; (b) lower medicine ball and squat; (c) jump and throw medicine ball backward.

Beginning Position

  • While holding a medicine ball on the hips, stand with the arms straight and feet approximately shoulder-width apart.

Movement Phases

  1. While keeping the arms straight, lift the medicine ball overhead (a).
  2. Swing the medicine ball downward and between the legs to create a rapid countermovement arm swing (b).
  3. Continuing to keep the arms straight, perform a countermovement jump while explosively throwing the medicine ball overhead and backward as far as possible (c).

Breathing Guidelines

Inhale just before the downward phase of this movement and exhale upon release of the ball.

Exercise Modifications and Variations

Medicine Ball BLSU (Between Legs Straight Up) Throw
This exercise is performed in a similar manner to the BLOB throw except the medicine ball should be thrown straight up overhead as high as possible. Upon release of the ball, the athlete should step out of the way.

Coaching Tips

  • Keep the arms straight throughout the duration of the exercise.
  • Minimize the transition time between the downward phase of this action and the upward phase.
More Excerpts From Strength Training for Baseball