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Heavy Ropes Unstable Wave

This is an excerpt from Maximum Interval Training by John Cissik & Jay Dawes.

Intended Uses

Besides offering the normal benefits of the wave, this variation requires you to develop balance to perform the exercise. This variation also develops the muscles of the ankle, foot, and shin, which will have to work hard to keep you standing. With practice, this is an appropriate conditioning exercise.


  • Have consistent, good technique on the two-handed wave exercise.
  • Performance of the two-handed wave for a minimum of three months.
  • Ability to perform the one-legged wave with consistent, good technique.


  • Secure the heavy rope and take a one-handed grip on each end of the rope.
  • Stand so that you are holding the ends of the rope at the sides.
  • Set the back.
  • Step onto the unstable surface.
  • Pushing the hips back, move into a quarter squat.
  • While maintaining the quarter squat, lift the arms and ropes up until the arms are parallel to the floor.
  • Maintaining the squat, lift one arm up and drive the other arm down toward the floor. Reverse directions (a-b).
  • Continue alternating for the desired time and then switch legs.

Key Points

  • Keep the back set throughout the exercise.
  • Get your balance before performing the wave.
  • Keep your weight on your heel throughout.

Learn more about Maximum Interval Training.

More Excerpts From Maximum Interval Training