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Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension (HRP)

This is an excerpt from Preparing for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) by NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association,Nathan C. Palin & Robert Hartman.

Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension

The Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension (HRP) tests upper-body pushing endurance, possibly an overemphasized physical characteristic that is less directly relatable to soldiering tasks. However, it is still applicable to movement under fire and hand-to-hand combat. The event also requires a substantial amount of upper-body flexibility to minimize risk of injury during testing.

While you might be familiar with the push-up test from the APFT, the HRP is unique. You must start from a prone position with your chest, hips, and thighs (but not head) in contact with the ground and index fingers inside the broadest part of your shoulders (figure 4.1). Maintaining a fairly straight line from the head to the heel, and the feet no more than a boot’s width apart, push yourself up until your arms are fully extended (figure 4.2). When lowering down, the same three points of contact (chest, hips, and thighs) should touch the ground in unison (figure 4.3). Once back in the prone position, extend your arms directly out to your sides, forming a T (figure 4.4). Bring the hands back under the shoulders, place them on the ground, then lift them up again to start the next repetition.

Figure 4.1 Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension: beginning position.
Figure 4.1 Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension: beginning position.

Figure 4.2 Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension: up position.
Figure 4.2 Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension: up position.

Figure 4.3 Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension: return to ground.
Figure 4.3 Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension: return to ground.

Figure 4.4 Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension: arms extended in T position.
Figure 4.4 Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension: arms extended in T position.

Scoring Standards

Notably, no authorized rest position exists except the top position where the arms are extended and the body is straight. You cannot rest on the ground nor can you rest in positions common to the APFT’s push-up event; lack of continuous effort results in termination of the event. The maximum achievable score of 100 is earned by completing 60 repetitions. Table 4.1 shows the minimum scores for each type of MOS.

Table 4.1 Hand Release Push-Up–Arm Extension Scoring Minimums per MOS Category

More Excerpts From Preparing for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)