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Explore common myths of yoga practice

This is an excerpt from Big & Bold: Yoga for the Plus-Size Woman by Laura Burns.

Myth I: I Have to Practice Every Day for at Least an Hour and Do a Lot of Poses

Since standard studio yoga classes are usually an hour long, it’s commonly assumed that home practices should be for the same length of time. I get it, really. It makes sense to model your practice after a studio class. However, in real life, you’re not scheduling around other classes and trying to run your life like a studio. Your home practice doesn’t need to be modeled after a studio class since the goals and needs are different. Your home practice might be a series of hour-long practices if that works best for you. Consider that your practices might look radically different than that. Before you decide how long your practices should be and how many poses to fit into that time frame, think about what you really want to get out of the time. It may be that your practices are mostly infrequent meditation sessions, daily breathing exercises, or occasional 20-minute flows to get your body moving after work.

Take a moment to release any expectations you have about starting a home yoga practice. Remember that your practices don’t need to look like anyone else’s, and you are free to create exactly what you need for each day.

More Excerpts From Big & Bold: Yoga for the Plus-Size Woman