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Develop locomotor skills, motor planning, and spatial awareness

This is an excerpt from Perceptual-Motor Activities for Children With Web Resource by Jill Johnstone & Molly Ramon.

Cross-Lateral Activities

Week 4
Station 1

Skills Developed

Locomotor skills, motor planning, spatial awareness


  • Six cones
  • Active learning cards (uppercase letters)


Place the cones 4 feet (1 meter) apart.


Do grapevine (crossover) steps from cone to cone. Along the way, touch each cone and say the letter shown on the card for that cone.

Skill Check

Make sure that the student uses proper form for the grapevine step:

  • When moving to the right, step with your right foot first.
  • Follow with your left foot moving in front of and across your right foot.
  • Then step out again with your right foot.
  • Follow with your left foot moving behind your right foot.
  • Continue with this pattern.

More Excerpts From Perceptual-Motor Activities for Children With Web Resource