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Cueing for speed: maximum velocity

This is an excerpt from Anatomy of Speed, The by Bill Parisi.

As previously mentioned, maximum velocity can be broken down into different phases, such as front- and backside mechanics and transition. While coaches can cue individual elements of max-velocity sprinting based on what an athlete needs to work on, the athlete, however, experiences them all as one connected action. Focus on one cue per sprint and try to keep each cue simple and short. Again, there are endless possibilities and technique refinements that can be made. I’ve listed a few proven max-velocity cues here that I’ve found effective, but you should experiment with what works for you and your athletes, keeping in mind that every situation is unique.

“Stay focused and tall!”
Imagine a rope is stretched horizontally next to you at head height. Stay focused and tall and keep your head level with the rope as you sprint.

 “Hammer back!”
Imagine your forearms are hammers and hammer them back against a wall behind you.
“Spin the globe!”
Imagine you are spinning the globe with your feet as you sprint.

More Excerpts From Anatomy of Speed, The