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Cone Rolls Drill

This is an excerpt from Softball Skills & Drills - 2nd Edition by Judi Garman & Michelle Gromacki.

Purpose: To increase range while staying behind the ball.

Procedure: Place two cones about 12 feet apart to serve as targets and boundaries. A tosser with a ball stands about 15 feet in front of each cone. A fielder takes a position midway between the cones and several steps in front of them so that the cones will not interfere with her movement. The first tosser rolls a ball toward a cone. The fielder sidesteps to the ball, gathers it in, returns it underhand to the tosser, resets in the middle, and then goes the other way to field a ball rolled by the second tosser. The fielder must concentrate on footwork and staying square behind the ball.

Learn more about Softball Skills & Drills.

More Excerpts From Softball Skills & Drills - 2nd Edition