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Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

This is an excerpt from Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students-9th Edition by Timothy A. Brusseau,Heather Erwin,Paul W. Darst & Robert P. Pangrazi.

A comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) is a multicomponent school physical activity model designed to ensure that youth have access to 60 minutes of physical activity opportunities each day. Figure 12.1 visually illustrates a CSPAP.

Figure 12.1 Comprehensive school physical activity program.

Figure 12.1 Comprehensive school physical activity program.

Copyright, SHAPE America-Society of Health and Physical Educators,

The CDC (2013) highlights two goals for a CSPAP:

  1. To provide a variety of school-based physical activities to enable all students to participate in 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day
  2. To provide coordination among the CSPAP components to maximize understanding, application, and practice of knowledge and skills learned in physical education so that all students will be fully physically educated and well-equipped for a lifetime of physical activity

The key to multicomponent programming is that it combines numerous physical activity opportunities across settings within the school. Components may include (but are not limited to) before- and after-school physical activity (including active transport), school-day physical activity (including classroom and recess), physical education, family and community engagement, and other programming and opportunities for staff in the school. For our purposes, a multicomponent program must have at least two physical activity opportunities and be school based.

More Excerpts From Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students-9th Edition