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A day in the life of a parks and recreation supervisor

This is an excerpt from Leisure Services Management 2nd Edition With Web Study Guide by Amy Hurd,Robert Barcelona,Jo An Zimmermann & Janet Ready.

Alexis MorenoNo day in parks and recreation is ever ordinary. I usually start my day by checking emails from home—this gives me an idea of where my day might be headed. On any given day, I am working on such things as preparing the sailing camp for inclement weather approaching in the afternoon, providing recreation programming through local partnerships and community organizations, supervising the Youth Service Initiative program, and reviewing survey feedback from parents about our new partnership with the local school district's summer school program. In order to be a successful instructor, coordinator, or supervisor within the field of parks and recreation, you must be adaptable, flexible, have great communication skills, and the ability to problem-solve within any setting. From weather concerns to engagements with parents or public officials, you never know what's going to come up!

Alexis Moreno, MSL, CPRP
Supervisor, Youth and Families
Boulder Parks and Recreation
Boulder, Colorado

More Excerpts From Leisure Services Management 2nd Edition With Web Study Guide