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  • JC Santana's The Gauntlet Protocol

    JC Santana's The Gauntlet Protocol

    This total-body protocol requires no equipment, and the ideal performance should take 1:45 to 2:15, including short transitions. Perform 3 gauntlets with 30-60 seconds rest between each. If you need...

  • The Big Hurt

    The Big Hurt

    Sometimes a workout is all about gaining strength. Other times it's about feeling the muscle contraction and getting a pump. And sometimes it's just about survival. This workout falls into...

  • Bodyweight exercises for core strength

    Using only your body weight can be an extremely effective strategy for strengthening your core muscles. The movement-based exercises should be performed at a steady pace under control in order...

  • Bodyweight exercises for mobility

    Bodyweight exercises for mobility

    Your body is one of the best pieces of fitness equipment ever invented if you know how to use it properly. Old-school flexibility exercises have you hold a stretch for...

  • Stability ball exercises for metabolic conditioning

    Stability ball exercises for metabolic conditioning

    Stability ball exercises create a unique physiological challenge that engages a significant number of muscles. Using more muscles during a workout increases the overall oxygen consumption and energy expenditure, which...

  • Runners' Hot Spots yoga workout

    Runners' Hot Spots yoga workout

    This yoga workout is designed specifically to help runners eliminate chronic aches and pains, and keep running stronger and longer. Learn more in Yoga for Runners, Second Edition.

  • Stack Attack Partner Workout

    Stack Attack Partner Workout

    This full body workout stacks three exercises. Each set begins with a cardio exercise, transitions to a lower-body-focused exercise, and finishes with an upper-body-focused exercise. Repeat each segment in order...

  • Relaxing yoga sequence: 30 minutes

    Relaxing yoga sequence: 30 minutes

    This relaxing sequence only takes about 30 minutes of your time, but you can spend longer in poses if you choose, or repeat exercises if desired. Learn more in Big and...