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edTPA Preparation: A Guide Designed for PETE Students

By REBEKAH JOHNSON, MSE, DEPARTMENT CHAIR AND AN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR  AT CARTHAGE COLLEGE, and Nicholas Brummit, BA, Sports and Exercise, Physical Education teacher in Illinois. 

JULY 2021

The Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) is “a uniform and impartial process to evaluate aspiring teachers” and is now used by over 900 institutions in 41 states (


Support for faculty and students in completing the Physical Education edTPA is the main goal of the Physical Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide shared in this video. Authors Johnson and Brummit highlight important aspects of the Physical Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide and how it can be used to prepare and mentor teacher candidates as they navigate the edTPA process. Interested faculty members can request 30-day access to review the online guide as they consider adopting it for PE Methods courses or Student Teaching Seminar courses.


Video demonstration of the Physical Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide:



Rebekah Johnson

Rebekah Johnson is department chair and an assistant professor in the exercise and sport science department at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. She is also the author of the Physical Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide. Her area of expertise is in physical education teacher education, with a focus on teacher effectiveness. When she isn’t teaching and mentoring teacher candidates at Carthage College, Rebekah enjoys playing recreational volleyball and hiking or biking through state parks and trails with her family.


Nicholas BrummitNicholas Brummitt is a graduate of Carthage College (2018) who teaches Physical Education for Hynes Elementary, District 67, in Illinois. During his time at Carthage College, he worked as a student assistant for the exercise and sport science department. He also assisted in edTPA conference presentations at the state and national levels and is co-author of the Physical Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide. After a day of teaching, Nicholas often spends time up and moving by playing recreational hockey and softball with friends and family.