Review of Adapted Physical Activity Across the Life Span
By Paula Scraba, OSF, PhD, CAPE; Associate Professor at Bonaventure University
March 2024
Adapted Physical Activity Across the Life Span is the textbook that meets ALL the educational needs of ALL my undergraduate students in courses that now include adapted physical education, general physical education, sports studies and sports management; majors from the health professions such as occupational, physical therapy, wellness education, exercise science, as well as, business (pharmaceutical sales), law (health care regulation), and public policy (health care reform). These students understand adapting physical activity considering social, physical, and psychological development.
My students were excited to read about their disciplines versus just using an adapted physical education perspective for physical activity for young children through high school. This book meets the needs for adapted physical educators recognizing that working with other professionals is the status quo for them vs an exception to the rule.
Throughout the text, all disciplines in my classrooms were provided concrete examples in the application of current knowledge in adapted physical activity, across the life span, youngest to oldest. Interspersed interviews from professionals allowed a sharing from one generation to another, thus passing on a connection to better individuals lives through adapted physical activity engagement with a solid interdisciplinary approach.
Learn more about Adapted Physical Activity Across the Life Span.

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