A Dozen Reason for Including Conceptual Physical Education in a Quality Secondary Program
By Pam Kulinna, PhD, Arizona State University, and Chuck Corbin, PhD, Arizona State University
Conceptual physical education (CPE) is a type of fitness education that uses a text and classroom sessions to teach concepts and self-management skills. A dozen reasons are presented supporting CPE and for gaining support of stakeholders. Suggestions for implementation CPE are provided. Evidence is provided that shows CPE effectiveness in meeting the goals of PE and physical literacy and promoting lifelong physical activity.
All content within this presentation, including accompanying handouts, is the copyrighted work of the author. Unauthorized access, duplication, or distribution of it is a violation of copyright law.
Conceptual Physical Education Presentation Slides pdf
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Books by the Presenters
Chuck Corbin has written several Fitness for Life books, including the latest, Fitness for Life: Middle School-2nd Edition. View the table of contents, read excerpts, and learn about ancillary material.

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