Physical Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide
Author: Rebekah Johnson, Nicholas Brummitt
$54.95 CAD

This assessment is challenging for PETE students, but now preservice physical educators have a resource to help them prepare. A new web study guide, the Physical Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide, will help them understand the requirements of the PE edTPA, apply the components of edTPA to the unique discipline of physical education, and use their knowledge and skills to successfully complete the edTPA during their student teaching.
This handy resource offers practical, step-by-step instructions for preparing for and passing the edTPA—instructions written by a former certified edTPA scorer and assisted by students who have passed the assessment. It also will enable PETE instructors to increase the edTPA passing rate of their students by helping them understand the assessment requirements, align their course outcomes and activities with those requirements, and incorporate assessments that are in sync with edTPA scoring. The guide includes many examples for instructors to effectively use the material and offers them support as they help their students prepare to pass the assessment.
A key feature of Physical Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide is its videos. This resource offers the following:
- More than 60 minutes of video, covering how to prepare for each component of the edTPA, utilizing the author’s step-by-step digital workbook approach
- Two 20-minute videos that serve as exemplars of edTPA Task 2 (instructing and engaging students in learning)
- Six videos that serve as exemplars of work samples for Task 3 (assessing student learning)
- One 7-minute video showing a sample cooperating teacher conference
In addition to the videos and digital workbook, the authors provide a wealth of tips to guide students past common roadblocks to passing the edTPA Physical Education assessment.
The Physical Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide is a low-cost, practical, and highly valuable tool for students and instructors alike. Students who use the guide will gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to pass the assessment and move on to fruitful careers as physical educators.
Reference for physical education teacher education (PETE) students and preservice K-12 physical educators.Introduction
Overview of the edTPA
How to Use This Guide
Plan for Success
Step 1: edTPA Materials
Step 2: Conference With Cooperating Teacher
Step 3: Context for Learning and Preassessment
Step 4: Writing the Central Focus
Step 5: Lesson Plans
Step 6: Instructional Materials
Step 7: Assessments
Step 8: Planning Commentary
Step 9: Video Recording
Step 10: Video Clips
Step 11: Instruction Commentary
Step 12: Student Work Samples
Step 13: Evidence of Feedback
Step 14: Assessment Commentary
Step 15: Evaluation Criteria
Step 16: Self-Evaluation With Rubrics
Task 1—Exemplar for Elementary School: Striking
Task 1—Exemplar for High School: Ultimate Frisbee
Task 2—Exemplar for Elementary School: Throwing and Catching
Task 2—Exemplar for Middle School: Basketball
Task 3—Exemplar for Elementary School: Football
Task 3—Exemplar for High School: Volleyball
Essential Skill Practice: Task 1
Essential Skill Practice: Task 2
Essential Skill Practice: Task 3
Essential Skill Practice: Academic Language
Essential Skill Practice: Educational Research and Theory
Additional PETE Faculty Resources
Human Kinetics Textbooks