What Makes Physical Best Unique?
This is an excerpt from Physical Best 4th Edition PDF With Web Resource by Jackie Conkle.
The uniqueness of Physical Best lies in its comprehensiveness, which combines the latest scientific research with practical experience and activities from physical educators around the country. As noted at the beginning of this chapter, Physical Best is aligned with the National Standards for K-12 Physical Education (SHAPE America, 2014), and this approach is supported by the profession's definition of quality physical education:
The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. (SHAPE America, 2014, p. 11)
The following list highlights some of the features of Physical Best that make it a valuable tool for physical educators and students alike:
- Comprehensive conceptual framework. Physical Best provides a framework that educators can use to teach conceptual information about health-related fitness and nutrition in the activity setting. In turn, the program provides students with information to help them understand and value the concepts of health-related fitness and its relationship to a healthy lifestyle; it also provides information about assessment, goal setting, and motivational strategies. In addition, Physical Best offers ideas and suggestions for integrated curricula (across subject areas and in the three learning domains—cognitive, affective, and psychomotor), as well as parent and community involvement.
- Active participation. The Physical Best activities, available in the web resource accompanying this book, are designed to involve all students and help them remain active most of the time. Teams are limited in size (two to four students per team) so that each student has numerous practice opportunities. In addition, student wait time can be limited by setting up multiple stations.
- Individualized activities. Activities are designed so that students can work at their own level of health-related fitness or activity. Physical Best also provides avenues for students to excel by moving beyond the minimum. The activities may provide various levels to achieve, different practice times, variety in the number of trials, choices of task difficulty, and so forth. In turn, individuals have the opportunity and freedom to choose activities that are interesting to them. They can also modify an activity to suit their needs, goals, and abilities without losing the activity's health-related benefits. In short, Physical Best emphasizes enjoyment in participation and encourages students to strive for personal success in a positive learning atmosphere.
- Tools for lifelong activity. Students gain the knowledge, skills, and self-motivation to engage regularly in one or more physical activities as an ongoing lifestyle choice.
- Health-related physical activity. Students are provided with safe and sequential activities that help maintain or improve the components of health-related fitness (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, and power). Activities focus on personal improvement rather than attaining unrealistic standards. The program incorporates the latest health-related fitness testing (FitnessGram) and combines assessment and activities into a plan for individual improvement.
- Adherence to standards. Physical Best was developed to help teachers meet national standards for physical education, health education, and dance education (see chapter 9). It also supports the Healthy People 2020 objectives and the 1999 Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health and its updates, and it is consistent with the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Rather than just teaching sports, physical educators are encouraged to teach the how and why of a physically active, healthy lifestyle. In Physical Best, these components are combined into a comprehensive K-12 education program for health-related fitness. The program uses a variety of resources, as well as professional development training, to facilitate success for both students and teachers.
In physical education, students gain the knowledge, skills, and motivation to engage in regular physical activity as an ongoing life choice.
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