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Positive lifestyle choices can help older adults increase

Positive lifestyle choices can help older adults increase "health...

For the past two decades, government and media outlets have predicted dire consequences resulting from... Read More

Resistance band exercises improve older adults' upper- and lower-body strength

Resistance band exercises improve older adults' upper- and lower-body...

Resistance bands can be used to develop both upper- and lower-body strength. Read More

Psychosocial barriers must be considered when designing wellness programs for older adults

Psychosocial barriers must be considered when designing wellness programs...

Failure to address psychosocial aspects of physical activity participation and failure to apply behavior change... Read More

Strength and power exercises for older adults

Strength and power exercises for older adults

Training strength with body weight requires that the muscles be challenged beyond what is normal... Read More

Six dimensions of wellness are natural framework for programming

Six dimensions of wellness are natural framework for programming

There is a profound difference between using wellness programs to fill time slots in an... Read More