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Students With Disabilities: The IEP Document

This is an excerpt from Adapted Physical Education and Sport 7th Edition With HKPropel Access by Joseph Winnick & David L. Porretta.

By Barry W. Lavay and Melissa D. Bittner

An IEP is a comprehensive written document that is developed, implemented, reviewed, and revised in a meeting to describe the free, appropriate public education for an eligible child with a disability as defined by IDEA (U.S. Department of Education, 2006). School districts may develop their own IEP document format; thus it is not unusual for neighboring districts to use different IEP forms. Although formats vary, each IEP must include certain components. Refer to the U.S. Department of Education website ( for a model IEP form.

The IEP contains information about the entire instructional program for a student. Physical education, if determined to be part of the IEP, is only one of many content areas of this comprehensive document. To efficiently manage these documents, many school districts use secure Internet-based IEP management programs that allow teachers and other school personnel to develop, monitor, revise, and complete IEPs electronically. See the Skyward item in the Online Resources at the end of this chapter.

Figure 5.1 Individualized programs for students with unique needs in physical education.
Figure 5.1 Individualized programs for students with unique needs in physical education.

More Excerpts From Adapted Physical Education and Sport 7th Edition With HKPropel Access