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Sport Industry Leader Profile: Stephanie Wheeler

This is an excerpt from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Sport by Ellen J. Staurowsky & Algerian Hart.

Stephanie WheelerStephanie Wheeler

Title: Head Coach, University of Illinois Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Team

Stephanie Wheeler is the head coach of the women’s wheelchair basketball team at the University of Illinois and was a Paralympic gold medalist and world champion in her career as a Paralympic athlete. Stephanie has been a leader and champion for disability inclusion, LGBTQ inclusion, and diversity in all areas of sport. Stephanie approaches her role as a coach and a leader from an educational perspective. She encourages her college athletes to succeed in sport, in the classroom, and in all areas of life.

Stephanie leads with a kind but firm approach not only at the University of Illinois, but also with the National Wheelchair Basketball Association and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee. Stephanie works throughout Olympic and Paralympic sport educating her peers on the value and importance of diversity and inclusion. She does not shy away from challenging and difficult conversations, and she ensures that the topics of ableism and homophobia, and the importance of their intersectionality, are examined. Through the leadership Stephanie displays, we can see that we all have multiple identities and perspectives and that we can be proud of who we are in every way. She provides hope that the future of diversity and inclusion in sport engages and embraces a wider view that includes people with disabilities, along with recognizing and valuing sexual orientation at the forefront.

Stephanie Wheeler is a role model for her leadership and her advocacy for diversity. Here is a list of features on her and her great work:

Athlete Ally. (2018). Paralympian and coach Stephanie Wheeler: Sport moves society forward.

SBNation. (2021). Stephanie Wheeler on coaching college athletes with disability, winning Paralympic gold.

WeCOACH. (2018). 7 questions with Stephanie Wheeler.

More Excerpts From Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Sport