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Score through multiple goals

This is an excerpt from Soccer Practice Games-3rd Edition by Joseph Luxbacher.

Minutes: 20

Players: 10 to 14 (2 equal-sized teams of 5 to 7)

Objectives: To develop passing and receiving skills under gamelike pressures; to develop aerobic endurance

Setup: Play between the penalty areas of a regulation field. Randomly place markers to represent five small goals (three yards wide) within the area. Use colored vests to differentiate teams. You’ll need one ball. Do not use goalkeepers.

Procedure: Award one team possession of the ball to begin. Teams can score in all five goals and must defend all five goals. Players score by completing a pass through a goal to a teammate stationed on the opposite side. The ball may be passed through either side of a goal, but consecutive passes through the same goal are not allowed. Play is continuous. Change of possession occurs when the defending team steals the ball or when the ball leaving the playing area was last touched by the attacking team. Change of possession does not occur after each goal. All regular soccer rules apply except the offside rule; it is waived.

Scoring: Teams score 1 point for each pass through a goal received and controlled by a teammate. The team scoring the most points wins.

Practice tips: Prohibiting consecutive scores through the same goal encourages players to switch the point of attack to penetrate the goal area with the fewest opponents. Reduce the area size to further restrict the space and time available for players to pass and receive the ball.


There are 174 more fun games in Soccer Practice Games 3E.

More Excerpts From Soccer Practice Games-3rd Edition