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Relationship between sport event management and sport facility management

This is an excerpt from Managing Sport Events 3rd Edition With HKPropel Access by T. Christopher Greenwell,Leigh Ann Danzey-Bussell & David Shonk.

All sporting events require a functional host facility. For event rights holders (e.g., AAU, NCAA), the quality and availability of the event venue is the most important factor for determining the site of a nonfixed sporting event that travels between venues (Abston 2021). Event planners are often responsible for negotiating the venue to be used for the sporting event. As the event planner negotiates with potential host facilities, they must maintain a realistic image of the prestige of the event. Event venues are generally either public or privately owned facilities. The public facilities may include venues such as armories, municipal stadiums and arenas, convention centers, and fairgrounds, and they may be more flexible in negotiations (Supovitz and Goldwater 2014). An example of a public facility is the Kentucky Exposition Center. Privately owned facilities are generally in the business of making money and are less flexible. Horizons Edge Sports Campus in Harrisonburg, Virginia, is a good example of a privately owned sport facility.

Event planners spend a significant amount of time working with facility managers, who are key stakeholders in the sporting event network. A facility manager may work for a stadium authority, arena, convention center, armory, or other facility. They are responsible for coordinating all the employees and entities involved in the facility to ensure they meet both short- and long-term goals. In some cases, the facility manager must work with outside vendors or government entities to secure permits. The facility manager may also be responsible for building design and thus may choose material color schemes or purchase new equipment. They may also need to ensure that contracts are fulfilled in addition to maintaining the building and all corresponding equipment (Fried and Kastel 2021). Before an event, the facility manager may need to give the event planner certain field specifications and help coordinate the design and layout of the sport venue. In addition, the facility manager may discuss issues such as security, concession, and merchandise layouts with the event planner and may also be responsible for coordinating the walk-through for a site visit before the sporting event.

More Excerpts From Managing Sport Events 3rd Edition With HKPropel Access