Neck sports massage technique in supine position
This is an excerpt from Sports Massage by Susan Findlay.
Establishing your posture first is the key to this technique. Place one leg behind in a comfortable long stance; this will allow you to move slightly backwards when performing the stroke. Your shoulders should be away from your ears, your arms should be straight and your palms up. Place one hand under the client's head, while the other starts the stroke at the base of the neck near the shoulders. With palms facing up, smoothly bring the hand farther from you towards the base of the skull. The other hand should support the head until the moving hand has reached the top of the neck. Then switch hands; the active hand now takes the supportive role while the other one starts the process over again on the opposite side.
These next two photos show you what your hands should look like while completing this technique. Note that you would not place your client in this position to do this stroke; these photos are simply to illustrate how your hands are placed.
Tip: Get feedback from your client. If it feels as though she is holding her head up for you, then reevaluate your position and how comfortable you are. You must perform this process smoothly to get the results you want. The three key points are to move from your legs; maintain straight arms; and relax, or drop, your shoulders.
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