Learn an offensive attack
This is an excerpt from Physical Education for Homeschool, Classroom, and Recreation Settings by John Byl & Bettie VanGils Kloet.
Offensive Attack
For the offensive team: to score on the defending team; for the defensive team: to get the ball away from the offensive team
Specific Skill Focus
Passing, dribbling, shooting, catching, guarding, and blocking (basketball, soccer, hockey)
Hockey sticks, one ball, and one net (either a real net or an empty garbage can or plastic hoop)
- Mark off a playing area with lines 5 to 10 steps wide, or use a space such as a driveway.
- The offensive team begins at the end line (or sidewalk), and the defensive team begins in the playing area (or driveway).
- The net (or garbage can) is set on the far end or against the garage door.
How to Play
- Play begins when the offensive player passes the ball in to a teammate.
- Offensive teammates dribble, pass, and finally shoot on the net.
- Defensive players guard, block, and try to get the ball away from an offensive player without a foul (excessive body contact).
- If the offensive team scores, they get one point. The ball is then given to the other team to begin their offensive attack, beginning again from the end line or sidewalk.
- If, however, the defensive team manages to gain possession of the ball, they are awarded a point, play stops, and they line up at the end line or sidewalk for their offensive attack.
He shoots, he scores!
- Change the size and height of the net. Substitute a cone or outdoor chair, and count a hit as a point.
- Add a rule that a team can attempt to score only after making at least three passes.
- Add a rule that if the defensive team can get the ball out of bounds, by knocking it out of the hands of an offensive player, they can stop play and become the offensive team, although they won’t score a point for this.
Questions for Understanding
- How does the game change when players call to each other (e.g., "Pass to me!" or "I’m open!" or "To you, Jim?")?
- Is it easier to defend a low-bounce dribble or a high-bounce dribble?
- Where is it most effective to place your arms when trying to block an offensive player?
- Where is the best place for your body when you are trying to cover another offensive player who is hoping to receive a pass?

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