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Kicking Activity and Troubleshooting

This is an excerpt from Teaching Fundamental Motor Skills 4th Edition With HKPropel Access by A. Vonnie Colvin,Nancy J. Egner Markos & Pamela J. Walker.

Kick and Go

To kick balls of various sizes.

A variety of balls that can be kicked (e.g., playground balls of different colors, soccer balls of different sizes, foam balls). No two balls should be identical.


  • Place students in lines of three with a ball in front of each line (see figure).
  • On the start signal, the first student in each line stands up, approaches the ball, and kicks it as far as they can. For safety, a start command must be used for each rotation.
  • This student then runs to retrieve a kicked ball. They may not return with the same ball that they kicked.
  • The student hands the ball to the next student in line.
  • The activity continues through several rotations.

Setup for Kick and Go activity.
Setup for Kick and Go activity.


  1. Students dribble the balls back to the line.
  2. The student must name the type of ball they retrieved. Other members of the line are allowed to help if needed.

Based on Bryant and McLean Oliver (1974).


Children enjoy using their feet to move objects on the ground. As with all skills, logical progressions are necessary for skill mastery. When first learning to kick, the ball and the child should be stationary. Once the student has demonstrated an ability to perform kicking from a stationary position, the movement part of kicking can be introduced. The kicker’s movement will eventually become running, leaping, and kicking. With proper instruction and logical progressions, your students can become skilled kickers.

Kicking Troubleshooting Chart

More Excerpts From Teaching Fundamental Motor Skills 4th Edition With HKPropel Access