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Improve health with qigong exercises

This is an excerpt from Qigong Illustrated by Christina Barea.

Qigong for Health

Qigong is gaining popularity around the world for its ability to provide profound healing to people with a wide range of medical conditions. Well-respected medical doctors are prescribing qigong for people with hypertension (high blood pressure), arthritis, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and osteoporosis, as well as for those who are undergoing cancer therapies. Major hospitals such as Stanford in Palo Alto, California, have included qigong classes on campus in order to provide group and individual instruction to patients. Qigong provides relief from symptoms of these and many other conditions without the use of medication and without the unwanted side effects. As more scientific research concludes with significant positive results, the West will continue to turn its eye to the East, searching for answers in the wisdom passed down for thousands of years.

The benefits of qigong extend far beyond relief from medical conditions. Anyone can benefit from this gentle art. Because qigong works on three levels simultaneously, it strengthens the entire body, including organs, tissues, bones, blood, and mind, becoming a powerful tool for prevention. Qigong provides benefits in the following health areas:

  • Increased blood circulation and oxygenation
  • Regulation of blood pressure
  • Increased heart strength
  • Increased lung strength and capacity
  • Increased resilience of tendons and ligaments
  • Increased immune function
  • Balancing of hormones and endocrine system
  • Increased bone mass
  • Increased overall energy
  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased balance
  • Increased coordination
  • Increased focus and attention
  • Increased ability to relax
  • Stress relief

Qigong is being practiced by millions of people around the world as complementary therapy for the following conditions and more:

  • Cancer
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Asthma
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Low blood pressure
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Stress management
  • Arthritis
  • Recovery from surgery
  • Recovery from injuries
  • Diabetes
  • ADHD

Qigong offers a wealth of benefits regardless of which application one chooses to practice and can be beneficial for a wide range of health conditions. But even just regular practice of qigong can be great for prevention. Qigong for health is easy to learn and doesn’t require lifting heavy weights or twisting in odd positions, greatly reducing the risk of exercise-induced injuries. With the guidance of a qualified instructor, qigong can be tailored to suit your particular needs and health condition, making it an enjoyable practice that will last a lifetime.

Read more about Qigong Illustrated.

More Excerpts From Qigong Illustrated