How to use the online resource materials
This is an excerpt from Everyone Can! by Luke Kelly,Janet Wessel,Gail Dummer & Thomas Sampson.
Using the Everyone Can! Online Resource Materials
In this chapter we describe how to access and use the extensive resource materials provided in the Everyone Can online resource at This resource collection is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. That said, we recommend that you take a few minutes to read this chapter so you can take full advantage of the Everyone Can resources.
How to Access the Everyone Can Online Resource
To access the Everyone Can resource materials you need Internet access and a Web browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. After you connect to the Internet and open your browser, enter the following URL: This takes you to the Everyone Can home page on the Human Kinetics Web site. Follow the instructions on the key code letter, just inside the book's front cover, to unlock the resource.
The Everyone Can online resource contains over 2,000 pages of instructional resource materials to assist you in meeting the physical education needs of your students. To help you quickly find what you are looking for, there are several ways to view various lists of resource materials. First, we will explore the main list viewing options and then we will examine each of the instructional resource materials in detail.
Finding Materials Related to an Objective
A typical way to find materials is to select a specific objective and view all of the materials related to that objective. The Everyone Can online resource allows you to type any part of an objective's name and then select the objective from a list of objectives that match what you typed. For example, if you wanted to view materials related to the overhand throw, you can start typing the word “throw.” As you type, a list of objectives matching your input appears, and you can click the exact one you want. You will then see a list of all materials for that objective. Each objective has the same types of materials, which are described in more detail in the Exploring Instructional Resources section that follows. You can delimit your search by first selecting one of the Everyone Can goal areas from the dropdown list. You can also click on the “see the whole list” link to see an alphabetical list of all the objectives.
Finding Games by Name or by Goal
Another way to use the Everyone Can online resource is to find games either by name or related to a specific goal. To find games, first choose to view only games instead of all resource types under resources. You will see an alphabetical list of all games. If you start to type the name of a game in the area provided, the list will shrink to include only those games that match what you have typed. You can also delimit the list of games shown to one of the Everyone Can goals (e.g., body control or locomotor objectives) by first selecting a goal from the dropdown goal list.
Finding Games by Instructional Activity
Because games are most commonly used in Everyone Can to complement instruction on focal points of objectives, games have been coded to all instructional activities. The typical process would be to first select the objective and then the instructional activity for the focal point you want to teach, read through the activity to find the games that have been coded to that instructional activity, and then look up those games as previously described.
Finding Templates and Worksheets
The Everyone Can online resource includes templates and worksheets related to the instructional resources. The templates are blank forms corresponding to each of the instructional resources such as assessment items, assessment activities, games, posters, and so on. These templates can be used to do the chapter enrichment activities and to develop your own curricula and instructional materials. The worksheets that are used in the examples in the book and in many of the enrichment activities such as Program Goal Emphasis or Calculating Instructional Time. All the forms are provided as Word files so you can easily adapt them to suit your needs. To find a template or worksheet, select templates/worksheets under the resource type, and you will then receive a list of all the available forms. Click on the form you want, and it will open in Word.
Exploring the Instruction Materials
You should now understand how to access the various resource materials. We are now going to look at an example of the resource materials available for all the Everyone Can objectives. The resource materials are designed around the skill levels and focal points of the 70 objective assessment items supplied in the online resource. You are provided one assessment item, an assessing activity, one disability accommodations sheet, two scoresheets, and one poster for each objective. In addition, you are provided with teacher instructional activities, station task cards, and large- and small-group games for every focal point of each objective assessment item. Let's look at a sample of the resource materials for the overhand throw (figures 7.1-7.7). We know the overhand throw is an object control skill, so we click on Object Control under the Goals menu on the home page. This displays a list of the object control skills. We then click on the overhand throw, which is the fourth objective on the list. Of course, we could have reached this same place typing overhand throw in the Objective control box.When you click on the overhand throw you are shown a list of all the resource materials available for this objective. Each item in the list is a link to the resource materials stored as PDF files. When you select a resource such as the assessment item for the overhand throw, your computer opens the program called Adobe Acrobat and then opens the file containing the assessment item into a new window so it can be displayed on your computer's screen. The text that follows shows a sample of each of the Everyone Can resources along with a brief explanation.
Objective Assessment Item
Assuming you selected the overhand throw and then clicked on the first resource, Assessment Item, you are now viewing the assessment item for the overhand throw. Review of the sample assessment item in figure 7.1 shows that each assessment item is divided into three sections. The first section composes the top of the form and tells you the name of the objective as well as the equipment and space required to administer this item. The second section of the assessment item is the definition of the skill levels down the left side of the form. The first skill level for all the assessment items, skill level 1, focuses on how the basic skill is performed. The second and third skill levels involve applications of skill level 1. For example, skill level 1 of the overhand throw focuses on mechanically throwing correctly, whereas skill levels 2 and 3 focus on the use of the skill level 1 pattern to throw for distance and accuracy, respectively. The third section of the assessment item is the definition of the focal points. Focal points are the critical performance criteria a student must demonstrate to perform the skill correctly. The skill level 1 focal points define specific performance criteria regarding how the skill is performed (e.g., feet apart, weight transfer, follow-through). For the overhand throw example shown in figure 7.1, students must demonstrate seven focal points on two of three trials in order to earn mastery of skill level 1. The skill level 2 and 3 focal points can be either additional performance criteria that is more advanced or, more commonly, product measures for distance and accuracy, as illustrated in the overhand throw example.
Assessment Activity
When you click on the second resource for any objective, you receive an assessment activity. The first part of the assessment activity form reviews the general instructions for conducting an assessment of the target objective. These instructions include administration reminders such as where to stand and what should be said to the students. They also remind the teacher to record students' ACE behaviors. The second part of the assessment activity provides instructions for how to involve students in an activity that allows the teacher to assess and record student performance. The goal of all assessment activities is to involve students in an activity that is fun and engaging for students and that frees the teacher up to observe students on the objective being assessed (figure 7.2).
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