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Good nutrition is a huge part of any performance enhancement program

This is an excerpt from JC's Total Body Transformation by Juan Carlos Santana.

Nutrition is the most important aspect of developing a great looking, highly functioning body. We must address the enormous emotional component of nutrition if we are going to really understand weight management and good health. Techniques and strategies that support nutritional consciousness help us make better decisions. Supplements can help us achieve health and fitness goal, but can never undo bad nutritional choices. You cannot make up for a bad diet with exercise or supplements.

Stress is also a major factor that impacts looks and performance. I believe the conditions that result from stress are some of the biggest, if not the biggest, health problems our society faces today. Although a good fitness workout can help with stress, we can't expect to manage our stress with just exercise, especially if extra time is limited or nonexistent. Of course, life will have its challenges and stressful moments, but scheduling your life so that you can deal with stresses when they come, yet be able to sustain a fit, healthy, and peaceful existence, is doable and should be at the top of everyone's list. Good nutrition and proper stress management make up a huge part of any performance enhancement program.

More Excerpts From JC's Total Body Transformation